Hello the people of out of Turkey.. We would like to introduce AngelsTurkiye at your service as a translater

Google translate is entegrated and you can chat anyone from the community no need to copy paste trust me 🤭

İs it perfect? You don’t need to copy paste

İt is not perfect! And it’s perfection is limited with google’s service. Angelstürkiye is just entegrated with the system that’s all. What angelstürkiye does is instant translation. 👏 isn’t that nice?

İt’s good to chat with men from another country. Well of course if they also like it 🤗

Meet Turkish Men… The idea is Good… İ am Turkish and i Love Turkish men bitches 💓

here is the app on google play : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=om.angelsturkiye.com.app&rdid=com.angelsturkiye.com.app

here is the website https://www.angelsturkiye.com/